Vienna Large Clip-ons Gold & Green

€42,95 EUR
Vključno z DDV Poštnina se izračuna na blagajni.


Prodaja pošilja Footway+


Can't find the perfect pair of shades for your Nividas Vienna glasses? Fear not – we've got just the solution!

Introducing Nividas Clip-ons, custom-made to fit our Vienna model like a dream. With two sizes available – Vienna (48-20) and Vienna Large (50-20) – finding the perfect match for your frames has never been easier.

Simply snap them onto your Vienna frames for instant sun protection and style. Whether you're exploring the historic streets of Vienna or enjoying a Viennese coffeehouse experience, these clip-ons have got you covered.

Don't let the sun cramp your style – grab your Nividas Clip-ons today and shine with Viennese elegance wherever you go!

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